CARE Education

The CARE office staff and CARE Sexual Assault & Violence Education (SAVE) student peer educators offer a wide range of educational and outreach programs to build the culture of consent and end sexual violence at UCR. Check out our training and programming for a sampling of the workshops and programs we offer.

On these pages, you can learn more about useful definitions, what practicing consent and healthy relationships looks like, and how to intervene in tricky situations.


Safety Planning Icon

Learn more about the different types of sexual assault, including alcohol- and drug-facilitated assaults.


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Recognize the signs of this unwanted contact and the impact stalking can have on victims.


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Learn more about giving and getting consent, including instances when consent cannot be given.


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Discover different strategies that will keep you and your friends safe on and off campus, at parties and in sexual relationships, and discover social media tools you can use to make yourself safer.

Healthy Relationships

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Understand the characteristics of healthy relationships and get advice on how to strengthen your relationship through effective communication, setting boundaries and healthy conflict.

Unhealthy Relationships

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Recognize the signs of abusive behavior and the stages of the Cycle of Violence. 

Help Someone

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Whether you're a student concerned about a friend, a faculty or staff member concerned about a student, or a bystander witnessing someone in distress, follow these suggestions on how to safely intervene and support survivors. 


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Contact a CARE advocate to get additional support for yourself or a friend.