Stalking on Social Media

Stalking is any behavior in which someone repeatedly engages in conduct directed at another individual that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their safety or the safety of others. It encompasses repeated and unwanted attention, harassment or contact.

Signs of stalking include:

  • Following/watching you
  • Sending unwanted gifts, letters, cards or emails
  • Damaging personal property (phones, laptops, vehicles or homes)
  • Monitoring phone calls or computer use
  • Using tracking technology (hidden cameras or GPS)
  • Driving by or hanging out at a person’s residence hall, home, school or work
  • Threatening harm to you or your friends, family, roommates, co-workers or neighbors
  • Learning more about you by accessing public records/online search services, hiring investigators, going through garbage or contacting roommates, friends, family and co-workers
  • Controlling, tracking or frightening you by other means
  • Cyberstalking: The use of technology and social media to harass someone, including false accusations, monitoring, threats, identity theft, and data destruction or manipulation.

Many who experience stalking may feel:

  • Fear of what the stalker will do
  • Vulnerable, unsafe or unsure of who to trust
  • Anxious, irritable, impatient or on edge
  • Depressed, hopeless, overwhelmed, tearful or angry
  • Stressed and unable to concentrate, sleep or remember things
  • Loss of appetite, forgetful about eating or driven to overeat
  • Disturbing flashbacks, thoughts, feelings or memories
  • Confused, frustrated or isolated because other people don’t understand why you're afraid

If you or someone you know is experiencing sexual violence, contact a CARE advocate. CARE advocates are available Monday–Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm.

Phone: (951) 827-6225 

MORE options and support services.