Volunteer, Educate

CARE offers a number of opportunities for students interested in working to create a safer campus for all Highlanders. Become a SAVE Peer Educator to promote consent culture at UCR or a CARE Student Volunteer to help with programs and events.

Now Accepting Applications 
for 2020-2021.
Save Volunteer


Be a SAVE Peer Educator

All applications are currently being received for the 2022-2023 academic year.  

What do SAVE peer educators do?

Sexual Assault & Violence Education (SAVE) student volunteer peer educators facilitate outreach and quarterly campaigns and events to promote and educate on consent, rape culture, healthy relationships, bystander intervention, and available resources on campus and in the community. SAVE peer educators are active at nooners, in residence halls, and other campus events and assist in CARE programs promoting consent and healthy relationships. 

Why get involved with SAVE?

  • Have a leadership role on campus and gain leadership experience
  • Be a part of social change, create consent culture and help end sexual violence on the UCR campus
  • Develop leadership, facilitation and public speaking skills
  • Help connect students on campus with important resources and support
  • Gain valuable training and more in-depth knowledge about sexual violence issues, relationship violence issues and stalking
  • Gain teamwork skills and work closely with other students

What are the requirements to be a SAVE Peer Educator?

  • 2nd year undergraduate student and up during the 2018-19 academic year
  • Cumulative GPA of at least 2.5
  • Completion of the four-day sexual violence student educator training in September
  • Ability to work well in a group

What is the time commitment?

  • SAVE peer educators serve for the academic year — fall, winter and spring quarters
  • Attendance at the four-day sexual violence student educator training in September
  • Attendance at weekly one-hour meetings during the academic year

How do I apply?

Contact for more information.

Apply Now


Be a BSAV Representative

Now Accepting Applications for 2022-2023 BSAV Representatives!

What do BSAV representatives do?

Brothers and Sisters Against Violence (BSAV) is a homegrown network of outstanding fraternity and sorority members who educate their fellow brothers and sisters about the adverse effects of sexual/relationship violence and empower the community to make a difference. BASAV works in collaboration with CARE and the Fraternity and Sorority Involvement Center (FSIC).

As a representative, you:
  • Represent your fraternity/sorority
  • Act as a leader in the fraternity/sorority community
  • Educate your chapters on issues like bystander intervention, healthy relationships and consent
  • Discuss ways to effectively deliver information to chapter members
  • Engage in frequent discussions about what can be done to combat violence within the fraternity/sorority community

Why get involved with BSAV?

  • Be part the inaugural group of representatives
  • Be an agent of change, create consent culture and help end sexual violence in the fraternity/sorority community 
  • Develop leadership, facilitation and public speaking skills
  • Help connect students on campus with important resources and support

What are the requirements to be a BSAV representative?

  • Be an active member in a fraternity or sorority at UCR
  • Be enrolled full-time (12 units or more) for fall quarter 2017
  • Have a minimum GPA of 2.5
  • Be in good standing with your own chapter (academically, financially, etc.)
  • Be at least a second-year student

What is the time commitment?

Two hours per week (winter–fall 2018)

How do I apply?

Download an application and submit it in person during office hours to Nayaab Kazmi in HUB 365.

Office Hours

Monday 2–4:30 p.m. 
Tuesday Noon–3 p.m. 
Wednesday 2–4:30 p.m. 
Thursday Noon–3 p.m. 
Friday 11 a.m.–Noon 

Contact with questions.

Apply Now


Be a CARE Volunteer

What do CARE volunteers do?

CARE student volunteers work directly with the CARE office to provide office support, assistance with CARE programs and events, tabling, and help promoting important resources for the campus.

What are the requirements to be a CARE volunteer?

  • Attendance at the CARE volunteer training
  • Attendance at quarterly meetings
  • Involvement of a minimum of 15 hours per quarter

How do I apply to be a CARE Volunteer?

Contact for more information or complete the online application.

Apply Now


Graduate Student Involvement

GSA DIAL - Graduate Student Association Diversity & Inclusion Academic Liason

The GSA DIAL representative supports and provides education to graduate students on issues related to sexual violence and sexual harassment as well as discrimination related to race, gender, ability, etc.

Why connect with the GSA DIAL rep?

  • Explore ways to help graduate students learn about their rights and responsibilities
  • Get involved with outreach, education, prevention, and awareness among the grad community
  • Connect grad students to Sexual Harassment & Sexual Violence (SVSH) resources on campus

How do I connect with the GSA DIAL rep?

Contact for more information.